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Parabolan 100 (Dragon Pharma)


Parabolan 100 (Dragon Pharma)


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma Category: Injectable Substance: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Package: 10ml vial (100mg/ml)

Parabolan 100 is an injectable steroid with the substance Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (aka Parabolan) and it is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Dragon Pharma. It is an extremely powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid. Both the anabolic and androgenic activities of this product are 5 times higher than testosterone.

Parabolan effects

Parabolan is an ideal choice for those individuals who are looking to increase their muscle mass as well as strength. It has almost the same anabolic effects as other bulking agents like Dianabol or Testosterone. The only difference between Trenbolone and other steroids is that Parabolan does not transform into estrogen. This is an amazing quality as it prevents severe estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia and water retention in the body. Users can get a highly ripped and toned physique without water retention. If you take mild estrogenic steroids, then they will promote lower muscle growth. This is not the case with Parabolan 100. It encourages huge muscle growth and strength without estrogenic side effects. It also promotes the fat reduction process and increases the metabolic process, due to which the fat is burned and converted into energy at an accelerated rate.

Parabolan cycle details

The recommended and normal dose for a is 150-250mg per week. A high frequency of use, as with short esters, is not required due to the duration of action of about 2 weeks. To maintain the maximum and stable concentration of the substance, 1-2 injections per week are carried out. The use of Parabolan is usually long-term, so the recommended duration of a Tren Hex cycle is on average 6 to 10 weeks. Sometimes, users might increase the Parabolan cycle duration up to 16 weeks, although this can increase the risk of side effects. If you take sensible doses of Parabolan 100 then you don’t have to take any anti-estrogens during the cycle.

See info about t3 benefits

Combined cycles

The Parabolan cycle is often combined with other steroids, but the steroid is powerful enough to be run in a solo cycle (with a testosterone base) to gain excellent results in muscle gain, performance, and strength. It is perfectly combined with all Testosterone esters, Stanozolol (Winstrol), Methandienone (Dianabol), Methenolone (Primobolan), Boldenone (Equipoise), Turinabol, and other steroids, depending on the goals, experience, and body tolerance of the user.

Side Effects

Parabolan 100 is relatively more powerful than testosterone and the effect of Parabolan is almost three times than the effect of testosterone. Therefore, there are some potent androgenic side effects also. These side effects include aggressive nature, loss of hair and acne. Since the androgenic effect is higher, it is very risky for females. Females have very high chances of experiencing virilization effects so they should ideally avoid this drug.


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