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Propionat 100 (Dragon Pharma)


Propionat 100 (Dragon Pharma)


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Category: Injectable
Substance: Testosterone propionate
Package: 10ml vial (100mg/ml)

The pharmaceutical company Dragon Pharma is popular among athletes who use performance-enhancing drugs. Their injectable steroid Propionat 100 works exceptionally well. It helps you grow a great body and prepare for competitions. The drug is used in bodybuilding, weightlifting, athletics, and in other sports.

Testosterone Propionate is the drug’s primary ingredient. With a 2- to 3-day duration of activity, it is a fast-acting ester. Both the effect and expulsion from the body happen quickly.  It is no longer detected in doping tests one month after the cycle is over.  Expert athletes have noted that the active ingredient has an androgenic and anabolic impact that is comparable to endogenous testosterone in strength.

The drug’s high price is a result of its great demand and effectiveness.


Effects of Testosterone Propionate

The following are the key advantages of testosterone propionate:

  • Noticeable increase in muscle mass.
  • Enhanced strength and endurance.
  • Stimulation of fat burning effects.
  • Boosts libido and sexual performance.


Test Prop usage methods

Due to the form of release (injection), it is possible to reduce the load on the liver. The brief duration of action, however, requires repeated injections. The requirement for injections is once every two days.

The dosage is decided on an individual basis. Depending on the athlete’s health, degree of fitness, and knowledge of using sports pharmacology. It is advised for beginners to start with a low dosage of 50mg. Athletes with more experience take up to 200 mg. The cycle can last up to two months.

With other steroids, testosterone propionate performs very well. For drying purposes, Turinabol or Stanozolol, for instance, are added to the cycle. Oxandrolone is taken with the drug to improve power performance.


Testosterone Propionate side effects

  • Swelling
  • Accumulation of excess fluid
  • Gynecomastia.

Anti-estrogen drugs and aromatase inhibitors must be added to the cycle to eliminate these.



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