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NPP 150 (Dragon Pharma)


NPP 150 (Dragon Pharma)


Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Category: Injectable
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)
Package: 10ml vial (150mg/ml)

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP 150) is an injectable anabolic steroid for sale in our store by Dragon Pharma which has a reasonably brief duration of action. In theory, fluid retention should be caused by all Nandrolone esters to the same extent. Phenylpropionate has a similar impact to decanoate, however Phenylpropionate use reveals that it is not as powerful.


Effects of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

The following effects can be obtained by athletes who inject Nandrolone Phenylpropionate:

  • Stable, smooth muscle growth with barely any post-cycle gains loss.
  • Strengthening of ligaments and joints as a result of increased synovial fluid production.
  • recovering from past injuries.
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Stimulates the body to burn fatty tissue to produce energy
  • Reduction to a minor degree of occurrence of adverse events
  • Rapid regeneration following a cycle of low natural testosterone secretion.


 NPP dosage and cycle lengths

The recommended weekly dosage of NPP is 300–600mg. Depending on the individual qualities of the athlete, injections may be administered once every three days, or two to three times during the week. It is recommended for beginning athletes to administer one 150mg injection of the drug. The cycle should last approximately 8 weeks.


Possible side effects of NPP

The infrequent side effects of using NPP can be separated into two categories:

  • Estrogenic nature.  They may appear more frequently as gynecomastia, an increase in adipose tissue, or increased fluid retention.
  • Androgenic nature. Extremely uncommon; may present as alopecia, increased oiliness, acne, or both.


Almost always, significant overestimation of dosages and cycle time is the root cause of side effects.


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