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Testocyp (Alpha Pharma)


Testocyp (Alpha Pharma)

(6 customer reviews)
5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating


Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma Category: Injectable Substance: Testosterone cypionate Package: 10 ampoules (250mg/ml)

Testosterone Cypionate (Testocyp) is used by athletes and bodybuilders but it is considered to be a less common form of testosterone. In addition, it is one of the most specific active substances in the treatment of andropause, and other diseases associated with a lack of gonadotropins in men.

Alpha Pharma Test Cypionate is extremely effective in building muscle mass and increasing strength. Online Testosterone Cypionate is widely available on today’s pharmacology market and the price of Testosterone Cypionate by Alpha Pharma is no different from its analogs. To understand how a remedy works, you need to have a minimal knowledge of androgens.

Testosterone steroids

Androgens, the so-called male sex hormones, which make a man different from a woman. They are released by cells and provide most of the physiological processes in the body. The sex hormone is produced cells in the testes (in males), an adult is capable of producing from 2.5 to 11 mg per day, that is, at best, a person is able to produce up to 77mg of testosterone per week. Testosterone is responsible for the growth of body hair, for physical strength, muscle growth in the male pattern and other differences characteristic of a man. Accordingly, the more male hormone, the faster and more male characteristics will become. An athlete of average experience can inject up to 500mg of the substance per week, as you understand from there, and such lightning-fast and amazing changes occur in the physical development of an athlete taking highly androgenic anabolic steroids, such as Testosterone Cypionate.


Test Cyp effects

Testosterone Cypionate acts on muscles, increasing their volume, increasing the quality and quantity of muscle fibers. This is due to certain physiological processes. The drug actively fights and protects your hard-earned muscles, it suppresses glucocorticoid hormones that lead to natural muscle atrophy (catabolism).

By taking Test Cyp, the brain signals the muscles to store more contractile proteins (actin and myosin), while glucocorticoid hormones stimulate the brain to do the opposite.

The initiation of erythropoiesis (multiplication of red blood cells in the kidneys) promotes greater oxygenation of the blood, which leads to increased muscle endurance. Red blood cells can also aid in rapid recovery from intense physical activity. Of course, a person taking Test Cypionate can significantly increase aggressiveness, but this is not a bad thing if you use it for training.

So, Alpha Pharma Test Cyp for a cycle can increase muscle mass by 26lbs, strength indicators, as a rule, increase by 10-15%, an athlete taking testosterone simply swells before our eyes.

See more info about testosterone that promotes muscle building

How to use Test Cypionate injections

Testocyp is used only for long-term use, Cypionate is a long ether, and therefore it does not work immediately, the essential oil, together with the active substance, accumulates in the fat layer and is gradually released in the blood, maintaining the maximum plasma levels of the steroid in the body. As a rule, the effect begins from the second week, however, after the end of the cycle, Cypionate is able to give results for several more weeks.

Alpha Pharma Test Cypionate dosages for men do not exceed 500mg per week, which is divided into two equal doses on different days, for example, on Monday and Thursday, 250mg each. The cycle of Testosterone Cypionate lasts from 5 to 6 weeks.

In cycles for weight gain, Alpha Pharma Test Cyp is often combined with Anadrol or Dianabol. Athletes in the dry phase who strive for drier, defined muscles use it together with Trenbolone, Anavar, Winstrol and Masteron.

Read also about what size needle for testosterone cypionate injection

Test Cyp side effects

As a general Alpha Pharma Testocyp review, there are no significant side effects at normal doses, but minimal side effects can still be felt. This is because when there is an excessive number of androgens, the body tries to balance it with estrogen (the female hormone), and too much estrogen can lead to the development of female secondary sexual characteristics such as gynecomastia, water retention, and fat accumulation. To reduce all the negative side effects, it is recommended to take anti-estrogens such as Clomid after the cycle.

Read also about Testosterone steroid

6 reviews for Testocyp (Alpha Pharma)

  1. Roderick Hale

    I recently had some bloods done as im tryiong so hard to gain and one result was low-ish test levels, not quite low enough though to be prescribed TRT so I started talking to some friends etc at my local gym and doig some research then i decided to try this test -cyp from alpha Pharma so I thought I will give it a go, I only wanted to do a low-ish dose of around 150-175mg weekly but I am roughly 4 weeks in and I can 100% notice a difference already, in my labido, training, recovery from training etc, i also noticed i was able to train for longer with more intensity which felt so good. I didnt notice any side effects tbh either in all honesty, such a great product i cant beklieve the results. I intend to do things properly and cycle so will defo come back to buy my PCT.

  2. Erik Bush

    Tried these amps and the vial version… both high quality, both well-dosed, both effective. All products I’ve received from this site have been the same. Love that I’ve found a reliable source FINALLY.

  3. Armando Soto

    Although I prefer test enanthate over cypionate, I like to switch up my test steroid every 4 or 5 cycles when I feel like the test e is losing its effectiveness a little. And when I do I go for AP test cyp every time unless I’m cutting. I’ll go for test prop instead in that case. Switching base steroids to testocyp just for that one cycle gives you a slight boost again, kinda like when you first start taking gear. This may not work for everyone but it seems to work pretty damn well for me.

  4. Roland Roberts

    Testocyp is the best test cypionate available if you ask me – I always manage to gain a good amount of size of this stuff. In fact alpha pharma are always top of my list when choosing brands. Never had a bad batch of juice from them yet.

  5. Michael Cook

    This test c works awesomely for bulking. Ran 500mg weekly split into 2 doses and with a little dbol and deca alongside I was able to pack on some decent pounds.

  6. Thomas Maxwell

    I can 100% vouch that these test cyp amps are accurately dosed. I’ve had enough underdosed gear in my lifetime to notice the difference. That’s why I’ll only ever buy test cypionate made by alpha pharma – cause the dosing and effectiveness of their products is the most reliable compared to other brands IMO

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